Direction | Strategy | Partnership

We use these words to describe our offerings in a wider context. We start with Direction to ensure we’re heading down the right path. We think Strategy to come up with the creative and script that’s going to work best. With Partnership – well, you know what partnership is…


We Are Creative

Videos that lack creativity are flat and uninspiring. Our creativity flows from the almost limitless options to create video content these days, and the focus to determine what’s best.

We Are Passionate

Even after 25 years, we love the video production and editing process. Each day we’re  creating something new. It’s very challenging and rewarding, and we wouldn’t change a thing.

We Are Determined

We strive to create the best possible work within the parameters of a given project, and the best possible customer experience. It’s how we have the most fun.

videos strong return value


Panoptic Media has been a fixture in the Cincinnati Video Production community for over 25 years. Started by Director/Director of Photography Jim Prues, Panoptic maintains a focus on creating exemplary projects and a fabulous customer experience.

Here in the Creative Services field, there are limited situations where ‘apples to apples’ comparisons apply. This means that potential customers like yourself need to dig a bit deeper to discern where they can find the best value. Fortunately, here at Panoptic Media we understand that there are almost limitless ways one can create a video these days, and the real test is to find what we call the “ROI Point” for a given project.

We’re experts at helping you define and decide your options, and do everything in our power to help execute your vision as effectively as possible in this wild world of video production services.

Corporate Partners
Jim Prues headshot

Jim Prues started Panoptic Media in 1991. A passionate and consummate video professional, Jim retains the fascination with creating motion pictures since they captured his imagination as a child. His knowledge, vision and attention to nuance has allowed Panoptic Media to become a landmark in the Cincinnati video production scene.